Complaints Policy
Complaints Policy & Procedure
1. Policy statement
1.1 - Life Cycle aims to run activities and to provide services that fully meet the needs and expectations of our various service users. We value their comments and suggestions and actively encourage service users to comment on the quality of the service they have received via feedback surveys.
1.2 - Occasionally, things will not go exactly as planned and Life Cycle will fail, either in actuality or in the service user’s perception, to have provided an adequate level of service. In such situations we will take steps to:
a) Ascertain the nature of the service user’s complaint.
b) Investigate the circumstances relating to the incident.
c) Talk to Life Cycle team members who were involved in the incident.
d) Make a judgement as to the severity of the incident.
e) Provide the service user with a formal response and, where appropriate, an apology and a refund.
f) Put in place appropriate measures to improve Life Cycle’s procedures and systems.
1.3 - Minor complaints, properly handled and speedily resolved, can strengthen the organisation. They enable Life Cycle to demonstrate its commitment to customer service and to improve the overall quality of its work
2. Scope
2.1 - This policy covers complaints from members of the public, service users, volunteers, freelancers or delivery partners.
2.2 - It does not apply to staff. Employees should refer to Life Cycle’s Grievance Policy.
3. Responsibility
3.1 - A service user who complains should not be regarded as a nuisance: they are behaving correctly in voicing their concerns. Life Cycle’s role is to take the complaint seriously, to pay close attention to the matter they raise, and to issue an appropriate response.
3.2 - Any staff member may, on occasion, receive a complaint, in person, by telephone, email or in writing. All written complaints should be forwarded to the relevant Manager who is then responsible for investigating the complaint and initiating a response. Life Cycle’s Chief Executive should be informed as to their actions and sent copies of any correspondence.
3.3 - Complaints delivered verbally need to be handled carefully. In many cases, especially relating to minor matters (for example, Life Cycle provided instructions that were unclear, or ran an event that failed to start at the scheduled time), the service user may be content simply to have their say and accept a verbal apology. If a written complaint is received about a minor matter the response is similar: the service user will be contacted (ideally by telephone), the matter discussed, and resolved.
3.4 - A verbal complaint about a more serious matter (for example, if improper behaviour by a member of staff or a breach of Health & Safety law is alleged) cannot be resolved on the spot. Anyone receiving such a complaint should:
a) With maximum courtesy, encourage the service user to contact the Life Cycle office and to speak to the relevant Manager.
b) Alert the relevant Manager or Chief Executive that a complaint has been made.
4. Serious service user complaints
4.1 - On receipt of a serious complaint the Manager or the Chief Executive will discuss the matter with the service user, record the details of the complaint and initiate an investigation. No immediate response will be offered to the service user other than to thank them for raising the issue and promising them a fully considered reply once the matter has been properly investigated. The service user will then receive a written response to the points they have raised together with an apology and, if it is appropriate, the offer of a refund or compensation.
4.2 - In exceptional circumstances, if a service user remains dissatisfied, despite having had their complaint investigated by a Life Cycle Manager or the Chief Executive, they have the option of discussing their complaint with the Chair of Trustees and another trustee as appropriate.
4.3 - Complaints made through a third party (for example, a solicitor or journalist) should be passed to Life Cycle’s Chief Executive and the organisation will take appropriate advice before making a response.
5. Response time for dealing with complaints
5.1 - Life Cycle aims to deal with complaints as speedily as possible. Wherever possible complaints will be resolved on the spot. If this is not possible then we will aim to achieve a resolution within 48 hours of the complaint arising. If this does not satisfy the service user we would ask that they submit a written complaint within 14 days to Life Cycle’s Chief Executive who will aim to reply in writing within 14 days.
5.2 - In the event that the complaint is still not resolved the service user has 28 days to write to the Chair of Trustees. Life Cycle office will provide contact details.
5.3 - If the complaint concerns fundraising and the service user is dissatisfied with the outcome of Life Cycle’s investigation, the service user has the opportunity to refer the complaint to the Fundraising Regulator, provided they do so within 2 months of our response. The Fundraising regulator can be contacted at:
Fundraising Regulator,
Eagle House,
167 City Road,
0300 999 3407
5.4 - If the complaint relates to data protection and privacy please refer to Life Cycle’s Privacy Policy and the General Data Protection Regulation. Should you feel that Life Cycle has not handled your complaint to your satisfaction or within 28 days you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). You can do this through their website: or you can call their helpline on 0303 123 1113.
6. Bikeability Complaints
6.1 - For complaints specifically regarding Bikeability cycle training:
- Stage 1: The complaint is investigated by The Training Manager
- Stage 2: If the complainant is not satisfied with The Training Manager’s response, the complaint is referred to The Grant Recipient.
- Stage 3: If the complainant is not satisfied with The Grant Recipient’s response, the complaint is referred to The Bikeability Trust.
6.2 - Reporting of Complaints: Life Cycle reports annually all formal Stage 1 and 2 complaints by number to The Bikeability Trust.
7. Confidentiality
7.1 - Complaints will be handled in the strictest confidence at all times.
8. Equality
8.1 - Life Cycle does not tolerate any unlawful discrimination, victimisation or harassment towards its employees or service users.
8.2 - Life Cycle promotes a workplace with a positive ethos towards equality of opportunity, dignity and respect.
8.3 - This policy allows employees and service users to raise concerns and complaints that challenge any incidents including those of discrimination, victimisation, bullying or harassment. Life Cycle treats all concerns and complaints made under this policy seriously and will deal with them in an efficient and timely manner, as confidentially as possible.
8.4 - No unfavourable treatment will occur as a consequence of employees or service users raising concerns or complaints under this policy. The rules around victimisation protect employees that bring proceedings in connection with the Equality Act 2010.
9. Contact details – registered head office:
Life Cycle,
The Create Centre,
Smeaton Rd,